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Educational Grants Progammes

Our Educational Grants Programmes support parents or carers who are looking to unlock their educational potential by participating in further education.

For full details of who is eligible, what can be funded and how to apply please click on the links below.

Family Action’s Educational grants programme

Grants are available for parents or carers in receipt of means-tested benefits or Application Registration Card (ARC) studying at a publicly funded Further Education College at Level 3 or below in England, Wales and Northern Ireland or Level 6 and below in Scotland.

Barclay’s Learning Support Grants Programme

Grants are available for parents or carers in receipt of means-tested benefits or have household income of £30,000 or less and studying at Level 2 or 3 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland or Leves 5 and 6 in Scotland.  These grants are available to those participating in Family Actions LifeSkills programmes or students studying at one of the following colleges:  Ayrshire College, Belfast Metropolitan College, Burnley College, Coventry College, East Coast College, Gower College, Hartlepool College of Further Education, Stanmore College or The City of Liverpool College.
